Heart to Heart annual fundraiser begins!

From April 8 to July 31 (extended from June 20), Yarrow will be holding our annual grassroots fundraiser: Heart to Heart 將心比心. For Yarrow, Heart to Heart is about emphasizing our power and love for one another as a community. As a community, our members work in solidarity to uplift one another, provide mutual aid and support, and create new visions for the future of an equitable Chinatown. This year, Yarrow is raising $88,000 to organize, reduce isolation for seniors, and ensure access to health care during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Your support is critical to ensuring our ongoing work and vision of an equitable and thriving Chinatown. 從四月八號到六月二十號,世代同行會將會舉行我們的年度籌款活動「將心比心 」。對世代同行會而言,「將心比心 」象徵著大家互相給予的力量和愛。身爲社區的一份子,我們同心協力,互相鼓勵,互相支持,創造新的願景,讓未來的唐人街更加公平。今年,世代同行會的籌款目標是88000。有了你的支持,我們能繼續開展社區工作,降低長者孤獨的風險,確保長者在疫情當下及以後都能得到妥善的醫療服務。有了你的支持,我們將繼續耕耘社區,努力為唐人街創造一個公平、欣欣向榮的環境。
Support us and learn more about our fundraiser here.
Yarrow Society does not have a charity status and therefore cannot issue a donation receipt for tax purposes.
A business owner who would like to support? We would welcome either a) the donation of a single item (physical/digital item or gift card); b) a selection of items to create a gift basket; or, c) you running an individual fundraiser to support Yarrow’s Heart to Heart campaign by donating a portion of your business' proceeds.
Why contribute to Yarrow?
We provide one-on-one support for seniors who face language and cultural barriers to accessing government services to meet their housing, health, and income needs;
We are delivering culturally appropriate groceries to over 30 seniors and at-risk community members a week in the Chinatown and Strathcona community;
We provide free culturally safe case management services in Chinese in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. We are one of the only two organizations offering this service even though Chinatown and Strathcona have 32% and 45% of people speaking Chinese as their main language at home; and
We help seniors access basic healthcare by providing medical accompaniment and interpretation support at their hospital and specialist appointments.