COVID-19 Response Update

We hope you are keeping well and finding moments of hope and connection. Since we started physical distancing, the Yarrow team transitioned to adapting our services and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our senior members are in good spirits and many have been able to maintain their independence during this time. We are finding comfort in talking to seniors and hearing their positive outlook. Casework and Medical Accompaniment We are continuing to support all of our existing clients remotely. Some cases have been paused, and many medical appointments have been postponed. Seniors with urgent or essential housing, health, and income needs are being followed closely by our staff and volunteers. Youth and Senior Phone Calls Our amazing team of youth volunteers are calling seniors weekly to connect, provide emotional support, and receive grocery orders and other requests. Grocery Delivery Service Working closely with Hua Foundation, our volunteers are delivering fresh, affordable Asian produce to over 20 seniors a week. Protein, dairy, and prepared meal add-ons are available (thanks to Bao Bei), as well as homemade reusable masks sewn by our community members. If you donated to the Chinatown Cares GoFundMe, thank you for your support! Chinese Seniors Hub Since April started, we have been supporting this team of senior leaders stay connected over WeChat and over the phone. The seniors are doing necessary outreach to their neighbours and friends and ensuring that they have what they need. We appreciate our volunteers for being so thoughtful and ready to show up for each other. We are grateful to each person contributing in their own ways!